Thank You

Assalamu alaikum,

Thanks to the community members who made donations, we have chairs and tables now! Special thanks to the brother that donated 30 chairs even though he was supporting two families in a different country on a month to month basis. Your reward from Allah will be great Insha Allah.

We would also like to thank the brothers who stayed after Juma and helped with transporting the catering equipment that brother Zubair let us borrow. The picnic table was also brought to the Masjid and is now in the back.

We still have a few projects that need to be completed in the near future and some before Ramadan Insha Allah. Below are the major projects being prioritized currently:

-Parking lot: Needs to be completed before Ramadan. Funding was already allocated for this project and we are awaiting the contractor to be freed from his other current project elsewhere.

-Basement: Urgently needs to be ready for Ramadan. Basement has some water seeping in which needs resolved before any other work can begin in the basement. This project has not been started but there is a little bit of funding available for it.

-Kitchen: Plans are to put temporary sink to support us for Ramadan and after Ramadan put in cabinets, counter tops and permanent sink. This project is not yet started and there is no funding for it yet.

-Bad Water: Currently we are on well water and we would like to connect to city water. This project will require a large funding effort. We have looked into a filtration system but after talking to a location well water company, they advised moving to city water. The well that we have is of very old design (metal tank in the ground completely sealed off). The water still runs clear but they were surprised that the well still works. Unfortunately the county will not issue another well permit for this area so that is out of the question. Our option now is to connect to the city water supply on Buck Hewitt or on 235. Both are far away and will cost us a lot of money to connect to. The bottom line is that we will have to connect sooner or later. We will be starting the process of getting estimates soon Insha Allah.

If you have any expertise or know anyone that has expertise in any of these projects please contact ICLP (iclpmd).

I pray that this Masjid starts getting too small for this community, because that means we are growing!

-Syed Hassan Sajid

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