Talking towards Peace: Interfaith Conversations
When: Friday, December 2, 2016
Time: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: Aldom Lounge: part of the Campus Center at St. Mary’s College of Maryland
Please join us for a conversation about tolerance, peace and coexistence between members of religious communities in Southern Maryland. Representatives from local Muslim, Christian and Jewish communities will briefly comment on their faith traditions, which will be followed by discussion open to anyone in attendance. Please come with your questions! Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Rev. John Ball, Trinity Episcopal Church
Omar Ali, Islamic Center of Lexington Park
Heidi Moore, Academic Director, Beth Israel Synagogue, Lexington Park
Free and open to the public, this event is organized by students in Professor Başaran’s Religion, Politics and Modernity in the Muslim World class.
For more info and questions, contact bbasaran.
Questions that will be discussed by the panel:
- How does your religious faith address tolerance and disagreement?
- What are things you do each day that come from faith that make you more tolerant and kind people?
- Could you provide theological evidence from your scripture that engenders interfaith tolerance during a time of disagreement?
After this initial round of responses, the floor will be open for questions and discussion. We hope for an interactive conversation among students and community members.