Project Updates

Assalamu alaikum,

In the recent several months we started several projects at the Masjid.
1. General maintenance inside and outside of the masjid – completed:

  • External panel replacements
  • External painting at the doorway and panel replacements
  • External gutter cleaner
  • External gutter guard installation
  • External gutter paint
  • Gutters routed underground and/or away from the building
  • Sump pump drain routing underground and away from building
  • Front door paint
  • Bathroom finishing
  • Mop sink install next to refrigerator
  • Mop sink drain line back flow preventer install
  • Removal of 220 V outlet next to steps upstairs and downstairs
  • Ceiling inset of speaker wire
  • Install of audio panel behind the mic station
  • Install of shelving in sisters area
  • Clear poly finish on shoe rack and sister’s shelving
  • Installation of fire estinguisher on to the wall
  1. Projects underway:
  • Install of back porch and stairway cover
  • Includes lightning
  • Painting and finishing to be done next week
  • Porch cover drainage install will be done next week

Roof work

  • Rook work is slightly behind schedule due to the number of issues found with the roof structure
  1. Upcoming projects:
  • Removal of dieing tree from next to the Masjid
  • Re-route of the external sump pump drainage to the rear of the property
  1. Project ideas – not yet approved or estimated:
  • Carpet replacement with ‘Masjid’ carpet due to wear on the current carpet. New carpet will be of higher quality in order to have longer useable life
  • Classes at the Masjid. We need to restart classes at the Masjid and perhaps find someone to hire
  • Hire Imam

The cost of the projects will be included in a near future email.


ICLP Board

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