Parking Lot Fundraiser Update

Assalamu alaikum,

Jazaka Allah Khair to everyone who support the fundraiser for the ICLP parking. Those who gave and could not be there and all of you whom were able to be present.

Allah says in Surah Muhammad 47:38
“Here you are – those invited to spend in the cause of Allah – but among you are those who withhold [out of greed]. And whoever withholds only withholds [benefit] from himself; and Allah is the Free of need, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people; then they will not be the likes of you.”

The benefit received from Allah for your giving is for Him to know. We ask Allah to bless the givers with increase in bounty in this life and increase in levels in Jannah.

The ICLP Masjid is in need of a parking lot. We currently park on the grass of our property and of the county easement area across from the Masjid. We have proposed a roughly 100×100 parking lot that will cost around $19k with recycled asphalt. A fully covered and completed asphalt lot will cost over $32k.

Prior to the fundraiser we had a generous donation of $4,500 towards the lot from one of our distinguished brothers.

For the fundraiser Masha Allah we gathered $13,853 and received pledges of $4,500 towards the lot. Allah surely blessed the givers with the ability of the heart and of their sustenance to give. Remember, as long as this Masjid exist and the parking lot is used, you will be benefiting from every penny that you donated. Insha Allah that will be well pass our lives on this earth.

Alhamdulillah we have raised a total of $18,353 in actual monies and a total of $22,853 with the pledges included.

Insha Allah we will be moving forward with the project over the next couple of months. Permits will need be done and some trees will need to be removed. We will continually post updates via email, Facebook, and

Jazaka Allah Khair for you continue support in building the future of Muslims in St. Mary’s County.


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