Important Updates for the community

Assalamu alaikum.

Imam Atir unfortunately had a minor accident that resulted in a knee injury that is still being treated. His return to Imam duties at ICLP is a little unknown at this time. For now, we have some points to address:

  1. Our Imam is currently out due to an injury and may be out for some time, we will keep you all informed. Please make duaa for his recovery.
  2. All Friday halaqas and Sunday school starting this weekend will be canceled until further notice.
  3. The Jumuaa schedule will be modified to include khutbahs by Omar, Ahmed, Hussam, and Yusuf.
  4. We are also seeking volunteers to lead the Friday khutbah. If you have experience with sermons or can try during the absence of Imam Atir, please let us know.
  5. We will continue to have maghrib and Isha prayers every day at the Masjid.

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