ICLP CLOSED – Please Read

This is a modified message that was sent by Islamic Society of Baltimore. ICLP is taking the same stance.

Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh,

I pray that this message finds all of you in the best of health and strong imaan. Ameen. Per the directives of Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, and out of basic Islamic fiqh that preserving life is paramount, ICLP is alerting the community to some significant changes to ICLP events and services in the coming days.

As of now, the following events have been CANCELED until further notice:

  • Friday Jumuah Prayers
  • All committee meetings
  • Any mass gatherings at the Masjid
  • JUMUAH PRAYERS are CANCELED at ICLP. Per the directive of Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan restricting large gatherings, and out of basic Islamic fiqh that preserving life is paramount, ICLP is canceling in-person Jumuah prayers. Do NOT come to ICLP for jumuah. All congregants are advised to pray Dhuhr at home or work.

More information:

May Allah Subhannahu Wa Ta’aala provide us with calm hearts, good health, and strong imaan. Ameen.

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