Disaster relief effort to help those devastated by Hurricane Harvey

Assalamu Alaikum,

ICLP will be taking part in the disaster relief effort noted below. This is in conjunction with St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Sister Betul passed on this message Alhamdulillah.

The collection dates are listed in the flyer below. Please check on the need list and donate whatever you can. This mode of donation is very effective as it is physical need items rather than money. There is a volunteer at the college whom will be driving a truck down to Houston and distribute the aid via personal contacts there. We can rest assured that the aid will be ethically handled and not wasted.

You can either bring the items to the ICLP Masjid on Friday or drop off directly to the college on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Dear Campus Community,

St. Mary’s College students, led by the Student Government Association, have initiated a disaster relief effort called St. Mary’s College Cares to collect non-perishable items to aid more than 56,000 students and their families devastated by Hurricane Harvey. St. Mary’s College alumni located in southeastern Texas have helped coordinate with the Pasadena Independent School District that has more than 60 schools within its district.

Campus individuals wishing to contribute, can drop-off items on the College campus, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 22, 23 and 24, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.

Items most in-need include:

School Supplies: Personal Supplies:

pencils phone chargers

pens new packaged socks of all sizes

crayons new packaged underwear

carpet squares trash bags

bean bags toiletries

dry erase markers and erasers cleaning supplies

book bags diapers

earbuds for computers towels

notebooks paper towels

construction paper nonperishable food

copy paper pet food

small area rugs for classrooms

library books for 7th – 8th grades

band/orchestra instruments

Those who know a local organization or local business that would like to participate are encouraged to complete the contact form: www.smcm.edu/cares. St. Mary’s College students will then reach out to those willing to give to coordinate further. For more information, contact Director of Student Activities Kelly Schroeder at 240-895-4209 or 240-577-2955.

President Jordan would like to send a special thanks to Randy Larsen, professor of chemistry, for epitomizing the St. Mary’s Way by being the first person to reach out to her asking what he could do to help.

St. Mary’s College Foundation Board Member and alumnus Jack Saum Jr. ’89, owner of Beltway Companies, has generously donated a truck and driver in order to make the journey with the non-perishable items to southeastern Texas.

© 2017 St. Mary’s College of Maryland
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