
Sorry about the previous email that was broken up in columns.

Assalamu alaikum. I have a few announcements to make.

  1. This Friday, March 31, we will be having a short fundraiser after Jumu’ah. We have mentioned the parking lot many times over the last year and are looking forward to starting the study to have our lot paved and properly marked.

  2. Friday night is a sponsored Iftar at the Masjid. We are looking forward to some great Pakistani-style food and hope that you will all attend and break your fast with the community.

  3. ICLP is seeking volunteers for the Board of Directors (BoD). The Masjid Shura has been acting in place of the BoD for roughly 2 or 3 years now, and we are looking forward to moving on to a proper BoD. Positions vacant are President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Please volunteer to help your community. You can enter your name on the sign-up sheets on Friday or email iclpmd.

  4. Saturday, April 1, is a sponsored Iftar at the Masjid. Get ready for great Mediterranean food. During this Iftar, we will continue the fundraiser to offer the opportunity for anyone not present on Friday to contribute during this blessed month.

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