
Assalamu alaikum. We have a couple very important announcements for the community:
1. Every Friday between Maghreb and Isha, Imam Atir will be hosting community Halaqa at the ICLP Masjid. Please come, enjoy time with the community, and InshaAllah gain beneficial knowledge.

  1. Every Sunday Imam Atir will be hosting a children’s Quran class at the ICLP Masjid. The age limit is 5 to 12 year old. If this changes, we will let you know. The process for this class is simple, drop off the kids for class and pick them up after class. For the first class, please do take some time to introduce your children to Imam Atir prior to departing. The class starts at 11 am and ends at 1 pm. The children will attend Dhuhr/Zuhr after class ends.

There is currently no sign up required for either of these events. See you there!


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